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The Snow Show
Dec 18, 2009

The infamous street performance at University Cafe.


Oct 9, 2024Cheap Seats At The Go-go (Live)
Recorded live in Charlottesville, VA at the Charlotesville Free Clinic annual fundraiser.
May 18, 2023My Body Glows (Live)
Recorded live at Market Square in Fredericksburg, VA.
Oct 14, 2023Fireball (Live)
Recorded live at Fry's Spring Pool Club in Chartlottesville, VA.
Aug 19, 2022Uptown Funk (Live)
Recorded live in Market Square in Fredericksburg, VA
Feb 1, 2022Turbo Vespa (Live)
Recorded live at 11:11 in Fredericksburg, VA
May 11, 2022Sweet Dreams (Live)
Back for our parade through downtown Charlottesville at Tom Tom. What a crowd!
Feb 22, 2020Secretly (Live)
A cover of the song Secretly by Murphy's Kids (Richmond). Recorded at the Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball at The Colonial Tavern in Fredericksburg, VA.
Nov 4, 2014My Body Glows (Official Music Video)
Shot and edited by Seth Casana, this music video includes footage from over a year's worth of performances, all courtesy of the "tubacam."
Apr 16, 2016Tom Tom Founders Festival 2016
A recap of the 2016 Tom Tom Founders Festival. Watch for footage from us at the Mono Loco afterparty and the Turbo Vespa soundtrack.
Oct 31, 2014The Big Lebowski Halloween Show @ The Colonial Tavern
Oddbox Studio's live stream broadcast of us at Colonial Tavern in our costume tribute to The Big Lebowski.
May 2, 2013Make Fred Funky
Check out some highlights from our show in Market Square featuring Make Fred Funky off of our new album, ELBY BRASS IS DTF.
Apr 18, 2013DTF (Practice)
Just messing around in our practice space, you know we're always DTF. Come to our album release party on Friday, April 26, 2013 at KC's Music Alley.
Sep 22, 2012No Diggity @ Spaghettifest 10
Zach Santulli likes the way you work it.
May 4, 2012MCA Tribute @ Market Square
A quick tribute to the late Adam Yauch at Market Square.
May 4, 2012We're Broke @ B101.5
To help promote our First Friday show in Market Square, Chris and Dee invited us on their radio show. Officially our earliest gig, here's our lobby rendition of "We're Broke".
Feb 18, 2011Magazine33 presents: Battle of the Brass
Highlights from our first double-header with No BS! Brass at The Otter House courtesy of The Free-Lance Star.
Jan 15, 2011If I Had A Hammer @ Eyeclopes
Kicking out the Pete Seeger jams at FAA's 100th show.
Jan 15, 2011Fredericksburg All Ages 100th Show
A little "We're Broke" action at Eyeclopes.
Dec 31, 2010Lucifer @ NYE
Rockin' The Otter House at the New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball.
Aug 21, 2010Virginia Creeper at the Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival
Showing Devil's Backbone what we do, thanks to Annie Tobey for the footage.
Jun 27, 2010Guerilla Radio
Learning a new song by Rage Against The Machine.
Jul 16, 2010ELBY BRASS on Fox 5 News
Fox 5 News came to visit Fredericksburg, VA for their "Hometown Fridays" series, so of course ELBY BRASS had to welcome them.
May 23, 2010If I Had A Hammer
Practice in the parking lot.
Mar 6, 2010Recording session at Wally Cleaver's Studio
Behind-the-scenes footage from Kenny Ellinger.
Feb 20, 2010The Brass Whatevers: Friend of a Friend
We team up with local college band The Like Whatevers at a Fredericksburg All Ages Show. This was the result.
Jan 15, 2010The Otter House
Highlights from Ryan Poe.
Dec 18, 2009The Snow Show
The infamous street performance at University Cafe.


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Booking Contact

Seth Casana